Grow your business today
with the safest mobile
point-of-sale solution ever.

QwickPAY gives you the freedom to choose from Apple, Android, or desktop.

Pick a card reader, and sign up for QwickPAY.

QwickPAY gives you the freedom to securely send digital invoices for a touch-free transaction. Card data is entered on your customers device, secured, and payment authorization is return. Contact a representative for complete details.

iDynamo 6

Accepts: magnetic stripe, EMV contact, EMV contactless, and NFC transactions (select processors)

Cafés and restaurants, boutiques and large retailers will benefit from iDynamo 6, the next generation of MagTek secure card reader authenticators (SCRAs). iDynamo 6 reads magstripe cards, EMV chip cards (contact and contactless), and NFC enabled mobile wallets including Samsung Pay, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

iDynamo 6 EMV Chip and Magstripe Card Reader

DynaPro Go

Accepts: magnetic stripe, EMV contact, EMV contactless, and NFC transactions (select processors)

Accept a variety of payment methods in one small handheld device. DynaPro Go is a PCI PTS 4.x SRED compliant PIN entry device with a MagneSafe secure card reader authenticator (SCRA) and smart card reader.

Connects via WiFi and USB.

DynaPro Go EMV Chip and Magstripe Card Reader


Accepts: magnetic stripe, EMV contact, EMV contactless, and NFC transactions (select processors)

tDynamo is a hand held or mounted MagStripe, EMV Chip, and Contactless Reader. With a small form factor, this mobile card reader delivers a long smooth swipe-path with excellent performance and one of the highest first swipe read rates in the industry. The chip insert path is smooth and easy to access, while the contactless, touch-less pad makes transactions fast.

Connects via USB.

tDynamo EMV Chip and Magstripe Card Reader


Accepts: magnetic stripe and EMV contact transactions

eDynamo is a handheld and re-chargeable magstripe and chip card secure card reader authenticator (SCRA). Connect it wirelessly to your iOS phone or tablet to secure your magnetic stripe and chip* card present transactions. The eDynamo can also be connected via USB for a countertop point-of-sale solution using the QwickPAY Virtual Terminal. For a semi-permanent mounting option and or a longer swipe path, insert the eDynamo into its optional docking station.

Connects via USB.

eDynamo EMV Chip and Magstripe Card Reader


Accepts: magnetic stripe and keypad transactions

DynaPAD is a countertop secure card reader authenticator (SCRA) and encrypting keypad. Connect it to your PC via USB to secure your card present and card not present transactions using the QwickPAY Virtual Terminal.

Connects via USB.

DynaPAD Card Reader for Desktop


Accepts magnetic stripe transactions

Dynamag is a small-footprint, USB powered secure card reader authenticator (SCRA). Connect it to your PC via USB to secure your magnetic stripe, card present transactions using the QwickPAY Virtual Terminal.

Dynamag USB Card Reader